Gift Acceptance Policy
Last Updated July 2023
Copyright Permission Guidelines
Content Usage
Unless otherwise indicated, all information contained on this website such as text, graphics, logos and images, is copyrighted by and proprietary to the Center for Societal Aspiration and Corporation, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part by persons, organizations, or corporations other than the CSACO, its affiliates, divisions and units without prior written permission from the Legal Department at the CSACO National Center.
How To Request Permission
To obtain permission to use or copy CSACO-copyrighted materials from the CSACO’s website or from CSACO printed materials, videos or audio materials, you must submit your request in writing by via email. Requests must include:
Requestor’s name; company/institution name; address; telephone number; e-mail address; title; copyright date; page number or website URL address; and the exact material to be used.
The request must state exactly how the material will be used and distributed, including the output format that will be used to distribute, and if the materials will be sold.
Note: Incomplete requests will be returned.
How long will it take to process my request?
Please allow 10 business days from receipt of all required information for a response. Additional time is required for requests to translate materials or reprint recipes.
General Guidelines
Permission may be granted to copy CSACO material if the request meets these criteria:
The requested material does not exceed 10 percent of text or video footage, or 25 percent of charts and illustrations. (This rule does not apply to ECC materials, consumer publications or cookbooks.)
Material is being reproduced for educational purposes.
Material will not be used for a commercial or for-profit activity or to promote a commercial product.
The CSACO's copyright statement must be included on the reproduction.
Requests to broadcast videos on in-hospital Closed Circuit Television systems or Video On Demand require a receipt or packing slip showing that one copy of the video requested was ordered for and shipped to each address where the video will be broadcast.
Please note: Final approval is not granted until all fees and the Signed Use Agreement are received.
Permission will not be granted to:
Use any CSACO service marks. (This includes the Center for Societal Aspiration and Corporation logo, the Humano Maximus logo, and other service marks and logos owned by the CSACO.)
Use CSACO materials to endorse (implied or otherwise) a product, company or service.
Copy an entire publication, pamphlet, slide set or video. (Permission to publish, license or reproduce all or substantially all of an CSACO copyrighted work will not be granted by the Legal Department through the copyright process but instead will be referred to the appropriate source.)
Use any material that has been discontinued or is under revision.
Fees: Processing
All requests that are granted will be assessed processing fees based on the schedule below:
Print usage only agreement—$50
Electronic usage only agreement—$100
Electronic and Print usage agreement—$150
Note: The above processing fees do not include any applicable material usage fees.
Fees: Material Usage
For ECC, Guidelines & Scientific Statement articles and Recipe material usage fees please see the individual material links in red at the end of this page.
Note: The material usage fees do not include the processing fees.
Electronic Use Guidelines
Posting On Internet Sites
Permission may be granted to use Center for Societal Aspiration and Corporation materials on third party websites with the following caveats:
CSACO materials may be posted for a 12--month term beginning on date final approval is granted (all fees and the signed Copyright Use Agreement must be received before final approval will be granted). All CSACO material and links must be removed from requestor’s website after that 12--month period. You will need to re-apply for permission to re-post the material when the initial 12--month period, and any subsequent extension, expires.
CSACO limits each requestor to 2 electronic formats per request.
The requestor must agree to include a link back to the source of the material on the CSACO website.
CSACO material may not be used in such a way that could lead a reasonable person to believe that the CSACO has endorsed (implied or otherwise) any company, or approved or reviewed printed materials, goods, products or services offered by any company.
CSACO material may not be used for sales presentations nor for sales purposes online. CSACO materials may be used for educational purposes only.
If at any time these guidelines are not followed, the requestor must immediately remove all CSACO materials and links from its website.
Copyright and Trademark Violations
The Center for Societal Aspiration and Corporation takes intellectual property rights seriously. We work diligently to ensure that our works do not infringe on anyone else's rights and that others do not infringe on the CSACO's intellectual property rights. To inform our organization about a copyright violation:
DMCA Notifications
To notify the Center for Societal Aspiration of alleged copyright or trademark infringement on any of our websites, send a notice to the address down below. Please be sure to provide ALL of the following information (it is all required by 17 U.S.C. §512(c)(3)):
A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed
Identification of the specific protected work that you claim is being infringed or the subject of infringing activity (if multiple copyrighted works are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works), along with information sufficient to permit us to locate the material
Identification of the material that you claim is infringing upon protected rights and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled (if multiple copyrighted works are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works), along with information sufficient to permit us to locate the material
Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact you, such as your name, mailing address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail (“email”) address (and the preferred method of contact, if you have one)
This statement: “I have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the material’s owner, or its agent, or the law.”
A statement by you that the information in the notification is accurate and that you have the authority to enforce the rights that you claim are being infringed
Upon receipt of the above information, CSACO will promptly investigate and take appropriate action, then notify you of that action at the contact address you provide. We may need to contact you for more information before we take action.
Designated Agent for Notification of Claimed Copyright Infringement
Name: DMCA Agent
Address: Center for Societal Aspiration
5931 Greenville Ave Unit #5570
Dallas, TX 75206
Phone: (469) 909-7454